Get more reviews for your business.

Grow your business and be the obvious choice for people you find you online. Build your online presence by easily collecting customers reviews.

See How We Fix your Business

Online Reviews




Web Chat

Automate Getting
Customer Reviews

Getting more positive reviews can be difficult, but with Weffix you can automatically send messages to customers asking for reviews. Find out what people are saying, check your ratings, and take the right action to ensure that your profile remains strong and you stay ahead of the competition.

One Inbox to Monitor
Your Reviews

Connect with customers where they are, with text messages sent right from your phone. You can request reviews, connect with site visitors, collect payments, respond to Facebook & Google messages, and market to customers and leads all from your app.

Give Your Customers
a Better Experience.

Create a more meaningful relationship with your customers by understanding what they want. This will help you to better serve their needs, which will lead to loyalty, and more customers.

Get Started Easily

Connect with your faviorate apps. Use LeadConnector to connect with your favorite apps.

Don’t let your customers leave.